
Finding Calm Within The Storm: Understanding Agitated Depression With Hyperactive or Irritable Symptoms
Neurofeedback Therapy Teresa Prince Neurofeedback Therapy Teresa Prince

Finding Calm Within The Storm: Understanding Agitated Depression With Hyperactive or Irritable Symptoms

Depression affects millions of people around the world. The common perception of depression often revolves around feelings of sadness and low energy; however, there are various forms that manifest differently. One such form is agitated depression, characterized by hyperactive or irritable symptoms.

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Breaking Free: Escaping the Common Thought Traps that Keep You Stuck in Anxiety

Breaking Free: Escaping the Common Thought Traps that Keep You Stuck in Anxiety

At times, we find ourselves caught in the loop of ingrained patterns of thinking, unable to break free from their grip. This is known as habituation, and it can be a real challenge to overcome. To experience personal growth and emotional well-being, it becomes essential to find alternative ways to replace these patterns.

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Trauma And How Your Body Can Remember It

Trauma And How Your Body Can Remember It

Trauma is defined as a response to a distressing or disturbing event or situation. Trauma can overwhelm someone’s ability to cope.

To make matters worse, the traumatic experience can be stored in your body just like any other type of memory. Each individual has a mind-body connection.

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