Therapy for Teens
Are You Feeling Isolated And Overwhelmed By The Growing Pains Of Young Adulthood?
Are you a teen or young adult navigating family issues, relationship setbacks, or obstacles to your mental health?
Do you feel like you can’t open up to others about your feelings or that no one understands your struggles?
No longer a child but not entirely independent, you may be struggling with elements of your identity as you grow into adulthood. Wanting both freedom and responsibility, you may experience fear, self-doubt, or confusion as you attempt to separate your values and goals from those of your parents. Though you know that they’re here to support you on your path to independence, you might sometimes feel as though you’re being treated like a child.
It could be that other challenges in your life have caused you to feel depressed or anxious. Physical symptoms like insomnia and muscle tension keep you from being relaxed. And undergoing the academic and social pressures of school, you may often feel restless, edgy, and unsure. But because you feel a need to be independent, you may withdraw from others or avoid your emotions.
As a result, your relationships might suffer. You are growing into your own person, so some of your friendships may seem volatile or distant. Or perhaps you have lost an interest in maintaining your familial relationships. It’s possible you feel pressured to hide your true self from your friends and family in an effort to avoid conflict and disappointment.
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As A Parent, You Naturally Want To Protect Your Child From Emotional Hardship
If you are the parent of a teen who struggles with depression or other mental health issues, you may feel an urgent need to fix their problems. Perhaps you worry that you have contributed to their distress somehow, or maybe you feel lost and helpless that you can’t get through to your child. Yet, it’s important to honor your child’s vulnerability and authenticity during this difficult time—giving them the space they need to explore and understand their emotions and experiences.
Therapy offers a safe, nonjudgmental atmosphere to come and just be. By counseling our young adult clients with a sense of openness and mutual respect, therapy can help teens develop lifelong skills for overcoming anxiety, depression, and other hurdles to mental health.
There Is A Lot To Process During The Transition Into Adulthood
As a developing teenager, your nervous system and stress responses are still evolving. Like all of us humans, you are constantly scanning your environment for threats to your well-being. And threats can be anything—from perceived bodily danger to interpersonal conflict to the loss of control. When a possible threat is detected, you go into what’s called “fight-or-flight,” which means that your nervous system either shuts down or remains in a heightened state that is ultimately unsustainable.
Unfortunately, some of the fight-or-flight signals may have been misinterpreted or ignored by those around you. Wanting to demonstrate a certain degree of control, autonomy, and self-assurance, however, you may not outwardly show your emotional pain or struggles.
Not to mention, being a teen often involves some growing pains that are specific to this age group. You are at a time in life wherein academic and social pressures are rampant—regularly wrapped up in the expectations to succeed in school and fit in with your peers. Social media has complicated these challenges in promoting a comparison culture that constantly pushes you to evaluate your accomplishments against others’.
Furthermore, you may experience conflict and hardship at home, making it difficult to ask for help. Your parents may be either distracted or hyper-focused on you, causing you to feel like you can’t get the support you need. Or perhaps you experience frequent conflict and misunderstanding with friends and siblings. Feeling disconnected from those around you, you may be worried that you’d burden others if you were honest about your struggles.
But you don’t have to feel alone during this transitional period of life. In therapy, you can have a space that belongs to you where you can feel free to share, explore, and process your experiences.
At Insights Counseling Center, We Specialize In Therapy For Teens And Young Adults
Though you may feel isolated by symptoms of depression, anxiety, and distress, the truth is that these are incredibly common obstacles for teens. Counseling can help to normalize your experience as you develop skills for coping, managing emotions, and fostering self-compassion. In addition to enhancing your self-esteem, therapy for teens gives you a chance to learn how to express your needs and establish meaningful boundaries.
The Therapeutic Process
The first therapy session is devoted to learning about you and what your goals are. Our therapists place you at the center of the therapeutic process, so we will follow your lead when it comes to the pace of therapy and finding solutions for your teen-specific challenges. Keep in mind, we view parents as allies in your healing. Therefore, they are typically involved in some portion of the intake so that our clinicians can discuss the teen counseling process with them, including limits of confidentiality and the importance of client-therapist trust.
From there, ongoing sessions will be spent one-on-one, used to build your coping, self-care, and interpersonal skills. Our teen therapists use a combination of behavioral therapies that will help you to identify your emotions and tolerate distress, as well as gentle trauma-informed methods to calm your nervous system.
With the support you receive at Insights Counseling Center, you can develop meaningful skills that you can bring with you into young adulthood and throughout the rest of your life. By learning the value of mindfulness, behavior change, regulation, and radical self-acceptance, you can overcome current hurdles and face the future confidently. Armed with these skills, you can foster a sense of calm and connection that make life hopeful, exciting, and worthwhile.
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Maybe You’re A Teen Considering Therapy, But You’re Just Not Sure…
I don’t want to go to teen counseling—my parents are making me.
If your parents suggest that you go to therapy, you may feel like you’re “messed up” and in need of fixing. But we don’t see you that way. Our clinicians are here to get to know you—not your parents’ perception of you—so that we can collaborate on a treatment that is productive and enjoyable. Our job is to support you, guiding you toward solutions to the problems that disrupt your sense of confidence and progress.
I’m not interested in having yet another adult in my life telling me what to do.
Therapy for teens and young adults places our client in the driver’s seat of counseling. We don’t arrive to sessions with an agenda. Instead, we are invested in making this a collaborative process during which you will get to determine what your goals are and how to accomplish them. After all, you are the expert on your life, and we will work hard to understand and abide by your goals and values.
I don’t trust that you won’t discuss our sessions with my parents.
We understand this fear, and it’s a common concern of many of our teen clients. Yet it’s important to remember that even if you’re a teen or young adult, you still maintain the right to confidentiality in counseling.
If there is something you don’t want your parents to know, the secret may be contributing to symptoms of anxiety or depression. Our therapists can help you navigate that fear and create a plan to tell them if that’s what you want to do. We can even invite them into the therapeutic space so that we can support you while you have that discussion. However, the decisions about expressing your emotions and your needs within your relationships will ultimately be up to you.
Face Your Future With Confidence And Control
If you are a teen or young adult struggling with depression, anxiety, and obstacles to your mental health, therapy at Insights Counseling Center can help you overcome emotional hurdles.
To schedule an appointment or to find out more about our teen therapists, please email us or reach out via our contact form.