Breaking Free Facing Codependence

Facing Codependence & Breaking Free
by Pia Mellody and led by Teresa Prince

Discovering the path to healing and empowerment can often feel like navigating through a maze without a map. At Insights Counseling Center, we understand that journey intimately and believe in providing you with the resources and guidance to not only find your way out but to emerge stronger and more enlightened. It is with this spirit of healing and empowerment that we are proud to introduce our specialized training designed around "Facing Codependence" accompanied by the companion workbook "Breaking Free," both penned by the renowned Pia Mellody. This exceptional training is led by our own Teresa Prince, a dedicated therapist with an insightful understanding of emotional trauma and codependency.

facing codependence book cover

Facing Codependence:
How It Sabotages Our Lives

Codependency often lurks in the shadows of our relationships, silently shaping our interactions and feelings. It is characterized by an excessive emotional or psychological reliance on a partner, typically one who needs support due to an illness or addiction. Recognizing and confronting codependency takes courage and self-awareness. Pia Mellody's "Facing Codependence" offers an exploration of the origins and impacts of these behaviors, illuminating a path toward self-discovery and healing.

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Breaking Free:
Your Companion on the Journey

Embarking on a journey of change requires more than understanding; it demands action and reflection. The "Breaking Free" workbook serves as your guide through this transformative process. It's designed to help you apply the insights from "Facing Codependence" to your own life, providing practical exercises and reflective questions. This workbook is a crucial tool for anyone ready to move beyond acknowledgment into active healing and growth.


Do You Want To Understand What Codependence Is And Where It Comes From?
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Led by Teresa Prince

Teresa Prince, a therapist who combines expertise with empathy, guides you through this healing journey. With a deep understanding of the complexities of codependency and a compassionate approach to therapy, Teresa offers a safe and supportive environment for participants. Her guidance is not just about imparting knowledge but fostering an atmosphere of trust and introspection, encouraging every individual to engage deeply with their own healing process.

What You Will Gain:

  • Understanding: A foundational comprehension of what codependency is, how it develops, and its effects on relationships and self-esteem.

  • Tools for Healing: Practical strategies and exercises from the "Breaking Free" workbook to address and work through patterns of codependency in your life.

  • Supportive Community: Engage with others on similar paths under the empathetic guidance of Teresa Prince, creating an environment of mutual support and understanding.

  • Empowerment: The knowledge and skills to reclaim control over your emotional well-being and relationships, stepping into your power with confidence.

Let Us Walk This Path Together

We believe in the power of confronting our deepest challenges to emerge strengthened and enlightened. If you're ready to face codependency and embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and healing, we invite you to join us in this training. Together, we can break free from the chains of the past, move forward with resilience, and be empowered to build healthier relationships and a brighter future.

Your journey towards healing and empowerment starts here. Let us walk this path together.
Email or Call or Text to get on the list for the next training cohort.