The Healing Power of Group Therapy—4 Key Benefits

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Therapy is often viewed as a very private and personal thing. It can be difficult for some people to share their stories and struggles with a stranger, but a qualified therapist can make a huge difference in people’s lives. 

Often, one-on-one therapy is the best solution for someone struggling with their mental health. Working with a therapist can help you uncover the root cause(s) of your issues. It can also teach you the skills to work through those issues and take control of your life.

But, if you’ve never considered group therapy, it might be time to change your perspective. While it can be even more difficult to share your innermost thoughts and feelings with multiple strangers, group therapy has an incredible healing power that shouldn’t be overlooked. 

If the idea seems scary or overwhelming to you, that’s okay. Let’s cover four key benefits of attending group therapy so you can determine if it’s the right move for your mental health journey.

1. You’ll Have Support

It’s not uncommon for people dealing with anxiety, depression, or trauma to feel alone. Group therapy helps to shut out that idea entirely. 

Attending a group session is a great way to find a support system right away. No one is there to judge you, because they’re all going through something similar. You’ll have a safe, supportive place to talk about things and people who also share their experience, strength, and hope. 

2. It Promotes Social Growth

When you’re struggling with feelings of isolation or loneliness, group therapy provides a sounding board that can help you hone in on your communication skills. Maybe you’ve withdrawn from other relationships or activities you used to enjoy. This type of therapy can be a wonderful “reintroduction” to your social life. 

The act of sharing can be healing. Is it easy? No. You might have a hard time opening up, at first. But, just like one-on-one therapy, getting to the root cause(s) of your struggles is the best way to start moving forward. By sharing your struggles with other people in the group, you can truly start to feel like yourself again.

3. You’ll Hear Different Perspectives

One of the best parts about group therapy is hearing from people who are struggling with the same things as you. When everyone is vulnerable and willing to share their stories, you might end up getting a new perspective on what you’re going through. 

You’ll see that there is hope when it comes to getting through it. You’ll also see that there are many ways of coping, and some are better than others. You can learn from the people in your group, and by sharing your story, they’ll learn from you, too.

4. You’ll Learn More About Yourself

Group therapy offers a unique opportunity for you to see yourself from the perspective of others. When you’re dealing with mental health struggles, you might have low self-esteem or a lack of self-worth. 

Unfortunately, that often fuels depression, trauma, and anxiety even more. 

Other members of the group will let you know how they see you, and what they observe as you work through your struggles. After establishing a sense of trust with your group, their opinions, suggestions, and declarations can end up meaning a lot. You’ll learn more about how others truly view you, and you can use that information to shift your negative opinions of yourself. 

If you’re interested in learning more about group therapy or how it might benefit you, don’t hesitate to reach out. Working things through with other people who are also struggling may end up being one of the most empowering and healing practices of your life.


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