Coping with Past Trauma in the Wake of Current Events

business man head in hand in front of crashed stock board

In our continuously evolving world, current events often act as mirrors, reflecting our deepest wounds and perhaps reopening scars we thought had healed. For those of us navigating the journey of healing from past trauma, these reflections can sometimes feel like a direct hit to our most vulnerable selves. At Insights Counseling Center, we recognize the complexity of these feelings and the profound impact they can have. We're here to guide you through understanding this process and to equip you with strategies to navigate these turbulent times with resilience and grace.

Understanding Your Response

First and foremost, know that your feelings are valid. When current events trigger past traumas, it's as if your emotional system is sounding an alarm, saying, "This is familiar, and I am not safe." This is a natural response. Your brain and body are responding based on past experiences, employing mechanisms that once might have served as necessary means of protection. Recognizing this can be the first step in navigating your feelings with understanding and compassion.

Brain-Based Coping Strategies

1. Grounding in the Present: Often, when past traumas are triggered, our minds may feel as though they are reliving those moments. Grounding techniques can help bring you back to the present, reassuring your system that you are indeed safe. Simple practices such as mindful breathing, feeling your feet firmly on the ground, or engaging your senses by noticing what you can see, hear, taste, touch, and smell can be effective.

2. Brainspotting: At the heart of brainspotting is the understanding that where we look affects how we feel. This innovative method allows us to access, process, and overcome trauma, distilled into where we direct our gaze. By identifying and focusing on specific eye positions, brainspotting helps in unlocking and healing emotional pain from within the brain's deeper areas, fostering profound and lasting change. Consider exploring brainspotting with a trained therapist to navigate the complexities of past traumas triggered by current events.

3. Setting Boundaries: In a world inundated with information, it's crucial to recognize when current events may be overwhelming for your emotional well-being. Setting boundaries around your consumption of news or social media is an act of self-care. It allows you to stay informed while protecting your mental health.

Cultivating Resilience and Support

Building a support system of friends, family, therapists, or support groups can provide you with a safe space to express your feelings and experiences. Sharing your journey with others who understand can be incredibly validating and healing. Additionally, engaging in regular self-care routines can fortify your resilience. Whether it’s through meditation, physical activity, creative expression, or spiritual practices, find what centers and grounds you.

Looking Ahead with Hope

These strategies are not just about coping in the moment; they're about building a foundation of strength and resilience that will support you through all of life's challenges. Remember, healing is not a linear process. There may be moments of pain and setback, but there will also be moments of clarity and growth. At Insights Counseling Center, we are committed to walking this path with you, offering a hand to hold and a light to guide you through the darkness. Your journey of healing is honored here, and your courage to face these challenges is truly admired. Together, let’s embrace the journey toward healing and transformation, step by gentle step.


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