Men’s Betrayal Infidelity Group To Help Both Individual Healing And Relationships

Has your partner sexually betrayed you?  Betrayal trauma is a wound that is inflicted within a relationship – therefore your best healing will happen within relationship as well. Group work – being with others who have been where you are is a key component in recovering from your partner’s infidelity. 


Has the partner who betrayed you made promises to never cheat again? Have they assured you that the others meant nothing to them? This happens all the time, and they may well mean it, but you are still left not knowing what to believe. You don’t know if you want to stay in the relationship, and you don’t know if you want to leave. Millions of thoughts run through your mind along with their promises until you are just stuck.


Our Approach at Insights Counseling Center Aims to Create Safety & Stability In Each Individual & The Relationship! 


We will work with you to navigate the betrayal in ways that help you establish an understanding of compulsive/ addictive patterns in your spouse. We will also help guide you to a place of safety and stabilization for yourself as you navigate the debris of this discovery of betrayal.


Does your mind keep replaying the movie of the moment you found out? Do you feel things in your mind and body that are distressing? Are you constantly comparing how your spouse has treated you and comparing that to the affair partner? Are you working hard to not feel the searing pain and difficult emotions that flood your mind at the thoughts of infidelity? Are you distancing yourself from others in an effort to stay safe? Are you having trouble sleeping? Are you having difficulty concentrating? Are you working hard to keep your partner under surveillance to make sure they are not cheating on you? These are symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and are common in survivors of betrayal trauma.


Betrayal trauma happened in your relationship; the healing also happens in caring and healing relationships that translate back into your marriage or other important future relationships.

two mens hands doing a fist tap with a blurred background

Therapeutic group work is a combination of psychoeducation about betrayal trauma and addiction combined with processing and connection in a safe space.  Here, you will find support, education, and tools to help re-establish stability in your life.


This men’s group remains open year-round for new members to join as long as it is not at the maximum membership because seeing that you are not alone and living the shared experience with other men who are navigating this is a key component of creating safety and stabilization as you navigate who you want to be moving through the impact of betrayal. There is a three month commitment for all men joining group which can then be renewed month-to-month.

This group is available in person for men in or near Birmingham, Alabama, and incorporates a hybrid TeleHealth platform for men in the state of Alabama.  

To learn more about group opportunities and how you can benefit from this therapeutic community component of recovery, call or email us today. 


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