Improving Understanding Through The Assumption of Similarity

elderly man and woman looking into the mirror

Conflict in relationships, while challenging, presents a unique opportunity for growth and deeper connection. At Insights Counseling Center, we explore these opportunities by encouraging you to engage with what Dr. John Gottman refers to as the 'Assumption of Similarity.' This concept asks us to see our reflections not just in mirrors but in our partners—be it through shared strengths or common flaws.

The Mirror of Conflict

It's quite natural, during times of conflict, to view ourselves in a mostly positive light and project a less favorable light on our partners. This perception shift can create an emotional divide, turning minor disagreements into seemingly insurmountable barriers. By recognizing our tendencies to cast ourselves in the most positive light in our relational narratives, we can begin to approach conflicts from a more balanced and empathetic standpoint.

Finding Common Ground Within Ourselves

As humans, our initial reaction to conflict often involves defending our actions and assigning blame. Looking inward to recognize that we might share the negative traits we see in our partners can be daunting yet humbly enlightening. This acknowledgment is not about self-reproof but about fostering humility and empathy, paving the way toward genuine understanding and healing.

Reflecting on Shared Traits

Dr. John Gottman's teachings illuminate a path forward through self-reflection. For instance, when you notice a behavior in your partner that frustrates you, pause and ask yourself, "Do I also exhibit this behavior?" This question isn't meant to diminish your feelings but to help you recognize the common humanity you share with your partner.

Similarly, when you identify a positive trait in yourself, try to see that same trait in your partner. This practice not only balances perspectives but also reinforces the positive bonds within your relationship. For example, if you value your ability to be patient, look for moments when your partner also exhibits patience. Celebrating these shared attributes can reignite feelings of love and appreciation.

The Power of Empathy and Validation

Understanding and empathy are cornerstones of any strong relationship. When we assume similarity rather than difference, we open ourselves to validate not just our partner's feelings but our own as well. This mutual empathy creates a nurturing environment for both partners to express themselves freely and feel understood on a deeper level.

Consider the times your partner has displayed qualities such as resilience or kindness. Reflecting on these instances can help you recognize that, despite the conflicts, your partner often mirrors the best parts of you. This realization can transform how you view both the relationship and its challenges.

Navigating Challenges Together

Implementing the Assumption of Similarity does not mean ignoring genuine differences or disagreements. It means approaching these differences with a mindset that seeks commonality and understanding, rather than division. By doing so, you not only enhance your emotional connection but also build a more robust foundation for addressing future challenges together.


At Insights Counseling Center, we believe in the power of reflection and empathy to heal and strengthen relationships. By integrating Dr. Gottman's principles into your interactions, you're not just surviving conflicts; you're learning from them and enriching your relationship.

Remember, every relationship journey is unique, and struggles are part of every meaningful partnership. Embrace these moments of conflict as opportunities to delve into the beautiful complexity of your relationship, discovering and celebrating the profound connections that bind you together. Through this understanding, both you and your partner can flourish, supported by the pillars of mutual respect and love.


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