Coping with Betrayal Trauma When Current Events Hit Close to Home

woman with phone remote in hand overwhelmed

In a world that is constantly in motion, where news cycles churn out stories one after another, it's not uncommon for current events to resonate deeply within us, especially for those navigating the delicate terrain of betrayal trauma. At Insights Counseling Center, we understand that when the fabric of trust has been torn by betrayal, it creates a unique kind of wound—one that current events can sometimes inadvertently reopen.

Betrayal trauma occurs when someone we depend on for emotional support and security violates our trust. This can encompass personal relationships, such as those with partners, family members, or friends, and can also extend to community and societal institutions. The scar of betrayal can ache persistently, influencing our perception of the world and others.

As we move through our healing journey, certain stories or events may trigger reactions that can be both bewildering and distressing. Today, we're here to gently navigate these moments together, reaffirming your strength and offering strategies to ground yourself in times of upheaval.

Recognizing Triggers and Symptoms

The first step in caring for yourself when a current event triggers past trauma is to recognize the signs that this is happening. Symptoms of a trauma response can be psychological, such as flashbacks, anxiety, or intense emotional fluctuations. They can also manifest physically, with symptoms such as insomnia, fatigue, or a racing heartbeat. Acknowledging these responses is a signal of your self-awareness, not a sign of weakness.

Grounding Techniques

When the echoes of the past ring too loudly, grounding techniques can bring your focus back to the present—back to safety. Simple methods like deep breathing, mindfulness, and the 5-4-3-2-1 coping technique, which engages all five senses, can help to center you. By anchoring into the now, you can create a buffer between yourself and the overwhelming feelings.

Establishing Boundaries with Media Consumption

It’s essential to be conscious of how much exposure you have to potentially triggering content. While staying informed is important, it's equally vital to prioritize your mental health. Set limits around your media consumption, choose reputable sources that present information respectfully, and give yourself permission to take breaks from the news when needed.

Seeking Professional Support

There is immense strength in recognizing when to reach out for support. Therapy offers a secure environment to explore your experiences and responses to triggers. A trained professional can provide you with personalized coping strategies and help you understand and process your feelings in a safe and nurturing space.

Foster a Supportive Community

Building a network of understanding and compassionate individuals can be transformative. Whether it's an online support group, a close-knit circle of friends, or family members who respect your journey, this community can act as a buoy, supporting you in turbulent times.


The path you're walking warrants a gentle stride. Practice self-compassion as you would offer empathy to a dear friend. Acknowledge your resilience and the validity of your emotions without judgment. You are not your trauma; you are a person moving through it with grace and tenacity.

Creative Expression

Art, writing, music—these are just a few avenues that can help channel difficult emotions into a powerful form of personal expression. Engaging in creative activities can be therapeutic, helping to process complex feelings in a tangible, controlled environment.

Physical Well-being

Caring for the body is as pivotal as caring for the mind. Physical activity, adequate rest, and nutritious meals can improve your ability to cope with stress and help regulate your mood. The body and mind are intrinsically linked; nurturing one nurtures the other.

Emotional Safety Planning

An emotional safety plan is a personalized strategy that you can implement when you feel overwhelmed. It might include a series of steps to take, people to contact, or safe spaces to retreat to. Having this plan in place acts as a roadmap to well-being during times of distress.

Continual Learning and Adaptation

Every experience, every trigger, and every moment of healing offers a lesson. Continue to explore and learn about your patterns and needs. With time, adaptation is not just about survival; it's about thriving and discovering the richness that life, even with its challenges, can offer.

In closing, remember that while current events may stir the waters of past trauma, you are not at the mercy of these waves. You are equipped with the tools and inner strength to navigate through them. Each step back into a state of calm is testament to your resilience and capacity for healing. In times when the world seems unforgiving, your own forgiveness and kindness towards yourself are your havens of peace.

At Insights Counseling Center, we are here to accompany you on your journey, offering support and understanding as you reclaim the serenity you deserve. Reach out to us; you do not need to walk this path alone. Together, we will work towards a sense of balance that honors where you've been, where you are, and where you're going—with compassion, care, and unwavering support.


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