5 Things Happy Couples Have in Common

Relationships can be trying, to say the least. You’ll have disagreements, arguments, and times when perhaps you don’t want to even talk to each other. It happens. The important thing to note is that every relationship can be rocky from time to time. 

You may look at other couples and think what have they got that we don’t? What are they doing to keep the spark alive? While it’s important not to compare your relationship to others, sometimes, we can’t help but look at happy couples and wonder what makes them tick.

What Makes a Happy Couple?

happy couple, laughing, adventure, going places

Happy couples are often couples that attend to each other’s emotional and physical needs or desires. They may be on the same page in terms of goals, beliefs, and morals, and make a conscious effort to hear the perspective of the other whether they agree or not. 

This means that both partners’ perspectives and views are taken into consideration, and are considered valid and understood. Happy couples are able to talk to one another easily and convey their feelings and emotions without fear of judgment. 

They can also listen to one another and support one another, no matter what. 

What Is the Key to a Happy Relationship?

If you ask many couples in a happy relationship, the key is communication and commitment. Commitment is the foundation of any happy relationship, as it involves both of you putting in the same amount of care, effort, and attention to the relationship. This way, no one feels left out or that they are giving too much of themselves to someone who does not necessarily feel the same way. 

The second key is communication. Communication is essential in maintaining any healthy relationship, whether that’s with a partner, friend, or family member. You have to be able to communicate your thoughts, and also be able to listen and understand what someone else is trying to say. 

When you communicate effectively, you can limit misunderstandings and prevent arguments. 

Things Happy Couples Have in Common

Common Interests/Values

Most happy couples will share a lot of common ground. When partners have similar interests and hobbies, it is easier to share experiences together. 

If you have similar beliefs, morals, and values, it is less common for you to argue about differences of opinion. You don’t have to be exactly alike. As long as you appreciate your differences and don’t try to change one another, you’ll get along much better. 

Plans for Your Future

If you both have similar goals and your plans for the future align, you’ll be much happier. Couples who want the same things, whether that means that you both want to save money for a house, or you would rather plan for children, then you will be on the same page and happier that you’re both headed in the same direction. 


If one partner has higher expectations of the other in a relationship, it’s bound for disaster. Managing expectations in terms of what you do together, how much time you spend together, and what you give to the relationship can ensure there are fewer disagreements and fewer disappointments. 


If you have a similar sense of humor, or personality, to your partner, then it is just simpler to get on with each other. Your partner should value your personality and your differences because that is what makes you special. 

Social Interests

Finally, if you are on the same level when it comes to sociability, you will be happier. That way, one partner does not get dragged to social events that they don’t want to go to. 

You can be a happy couple as long as you put the time and effort into supporting your partner. If you need help doing this, contact us to schedule couples therapy and work with one of our therapists to discover opportunities to connect. All of our therapists working with couples are trained in Gottman Method Couples Therapy and able to give a connection assessment and provide resources to improve communication and connection in your relationship.


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